Sunday, November 21, 2010
How to change a tie rod on a 1992 f150?
Jack up and support front end of vehicle, with wheels pointed forward, and remove wheel if needed. Spray a spot of aerosol paint to match-mark where the tie rod end threads into the adjusting sleeve. Loosen the nut on that end of the adjusting sleeve. Remove cotter pin from castle nut if used. Remove castle or stud nut. Use proper size pickle fork or tie rod puller to remove stud from steering knuckle/drag link/center link as applicable. Using 2 pipe wrenches, put one on shaft of tie rod, and the other on shaft of other rod/drag link as applicable, in order to turn tie rod out of adjuster sleeve. Turn new tie rod into sleeve until it is in as far as the old one was, using the paint spot on the old one as a reference. Install stud into steering knuckle/drag link/center link as applicable, and tighten nut to proper torque specification. Install new cotter pin if applicable. Making sure that tie rod and companion joint at other end are both in the center of their travel where they swivel, tighten adjuster sleeve nut. This is important to make sure joints do not bind, and are not over-stressed when you turn corners. Proceed to have front end aligned forthwith.