So my mom went into the hospital and my car broke in the same day. Not a good day, but I'm not saying this because I'm looking for sympathy. I don't want to make anyone sad for me, but ... Despite the fact that I usually do these things when researching anything, I haven't researched this topic prior to this post and I'm worried that something might be quite nonsensical in here. I apologize in advance, but I'm just sooooo tired right now.
Please Help.
I was driving, getting a burger while my mom was getting a test done, then decided I really needed to get gas. I couldn't tell how low I was because the needle position varies significantly depending on the slope direction and I was driving on a series of hilly road, but I was really low.
So, I pulled into a gas station that I never go to because I'm just never in that area. I got gas, about a half a tank (don't know if that matters) and drive away. Keep in mind my car was driving absolutely perfect up until this point. I get about three blocks away (.5-1 mile maybe - I'm bad with guessing distances) and the accelerator (which my foot is on of course) falls to the floor. I pumped it and it went back to the floor. Luckily I had a parking area to pull into, but by this time I have no 'gas' or power anything - the brakes and steering wheel feel stiff. I turn off the car and it won't turn back on. It's been pushed to the side of the lot with the hope that it won't get towed before I decide what to do with it. It does try to turn on. Makes a noise like it's not getting gas???
So ... any ideas what's going on? Is it something an amatuer could fix without special tools? I mostly changed my tie rod ends on a ford tempo I had once. Had some help from someone stronger than me. I can figure out mechanic things, but strength and tools might be an issue. Or would it be best to find a mechanic and hope I don't get ripped off? But really anything to shed light on this problem will be helpful - personal advice, links, whatever else you know of. I'd usually dig deeper myself, but ... you know.
But at least I have my mom's car to drive in the mean time.
Thanks. (and it's a '93 Chevy Lumina in case you need to know)Complete loss of acceleration, now won%26039;t start - Pls Help!?
could be a clogged pump pick up screen or a clogged fuel filter. could even be the pump. but i would check to see if you have gotten water in your gas that will make em quit every time.